Converting WOR files to ArcGIS



The WOR to ArcGIS tools is provided for converting MapInfo workspaces (.wor) to ArcGIS map documents (.mxd) and geodatabases. At that, you can select to convert only some of the maps form the input workspace, and if only one map is selected you can convert only some of the tables (layers) from the input map.


The tool dialog can be opened in different ways.


1. From the TAB Reader toolbar in either ArcMap or ArcCatalog:



2. From the MapInfo workspace file context menu in ArcCatalog (Catalog):



Besides, here is an option to save MapInfo workspace as ArcGIS map document, see "Save as MXD" context menu item. In this case workspace will be saved just as an MXD file, without converting data.


In the tool dialog you can select input MapInfo workspace, input map and layers and also output map and data:




Selecting input WOR file.


Input workspace file can be selected using the following options:


  • From disk

- Here you can select the required WOR file on disk using Explorer.


  • From History

- This option can be used if you have recently worked with the required workspace and have it saved in History.


  • From Favorites

- This option can be used if you have the required workspace saved as Favorite.


Selecting workspace from disk:




Selecting input maps.


If the selected workspace contains a few maps you can select only some of them for conversion:




Selecting input layers.


If only one input map is selected you can select all or only some of the layers for conversion:




Specifying output map.


Output map can be specified the following ways:


  • From disk

- Here you can specify the output map file on disk.


  • Using Default path

- This option allows to restore the default path where the output map file will be saved in the same folder with the input workspace file.


  • From History

- This option can be used if you have recently worked with the required map file and have it saved in History.


  • From Favorites

- This option can be used if you have the required map file saved as Favorite.




Specifying output data.


Output geodatabase with converted feature classes can be specified using following options:


  • Using Catalog

- Here you can specify the output geodatabase using the connected folders in Catalog.


  • Document locations

- With this option you can select between the current map document location or map datasets locations.


  • Home GDB

- This option allows to output data to the default geodatabase.


  • From History

- This option can be used if you have recently worked with the required geodatabase and have it saved in History.


  • From Favorites

- This option can be used if you have the required geodatabase saved as Favorite.




Saving symbology.


Converting MapInfo workspaces to ArcGIS map documents you can select to save MapInfo (TAB) symbology as geodatabase representations or to skip saving symbology:




Please note, saving symbology as representations is unavailable with ArcGIS Basic license.


Having set all parameters press the Run button to import selected workspace to ArcGIS.


Below is an example of the workspace with three maps imported to ArcGIS:




Table of Contents

